Intro to Gothic Fiction

Intro to Gothic Fiction

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Young Goodman Brown

The guide in Young Goodman Brown takes a similar form to Brown himself. This makes him more appealing and relatable to Goodman Brown then some random stranger. This guide is Satan and uses his sly ways to lure Brown to a witch meeting. Brown encounters several people along the way. First he sees Goody Cloyse who he has always thought of as a good Christian woman. He watches from the forest as the devil converses with her like they are good friends. Next he sees the Deacon and the Minister heading in the same direction. All of these characters are either holy figures, or known Christ followers. The devil uses these figures in his persuasive vision in order to undermine Goodman's faith in the holy institutions and men he used to respect. Last but not least, he sees his beloved wife Faith at the meeting. This is the greatest temptation for Goodman Brown but he resists the evil and the vision is ended.

1 comment:

  1. Brett: Yes, you've summarized the text well, but I encourage you to think more about the "big picture." Even though the vision ended, it affects him until the day he dies--his life is lackluster and void of happiness. What is the allegorical meaning of the peice? Does the devil reveal to him that everyone has some tendency to evil? Good, bad, and even the "disdained" Indians are all grouped together equally.
